Версия на русском языке



Author: Anatoly Titov
Annotation: The article presents the software design principles to improve quality and reliable of the general software. The all principles are based on the aviation standards RTCA DO178B/DO178С requirements for the critical software.

Keywords: critical software; software certification; software design principles; reliable software; software standards, software life-cycle processes; software verification; RTCA DO178B/DO178С;
Author: Strozhevsky Yury
Translator: Strozhevsky Yury
Source: The personal site of Yury Strozhevsky
Contributor: Strozhevsky Yury
Annotation: The article in intended to be a basic description of encoding rules for ASN.1 simple types in BER format. Article describes detailed examples of encoding for many complex variants of initial values. As an addition to the article there is a file with examples (C++, Windows) which consists of many new examples of encoding for all types, describing in the article.

Keywords: ASN.1;
Author: Name Surname
Translator: Name Surname
Source: source
Contributor: Name Surname
Annotation: Annotation of my article.

Keywords: semicolon separated keywords list;
Author: Karavaev Dmitry
Annotation: The article describes special macros of a translator for the assembler language. The macros allow the programmer to add new processor’s instructions without changing the translator itself.

Keywords: macros; assembler
Author: Name Surname
Translator: Name Surname
Source: source
Contributor: Name Surname
Annotation: Annotation of my article.

Keywords: semicolon separated keywords list;
Author: Igor Buchelnikov
Annotation: Why is there reduction of coupling when using Inversion of Control? What is the application area of Inversion of Control? Are there any cases when you cannot do without Inversion of Control? Is the event model synonymous with the principle of Inversion of Control? What is the difference between libraries and frameworks? Is it possible to follow the principle of Inversion of Control not using the Factory Method, Inversion of Control Container and Dependency Injection?

Keywords: Inversion of Control; Inversion of Control Container; Dependency Injection; Factory Method; Design patterns
Author: Konstantin Chernyaev
Annotation: Almost any program raises the question of how to organize the interaction with the database. The article proposes a way to organize DAL through code autogeneration based on simple objects description in xml format. The proposed generator produces almost everything that is needed for convenient work with database. The main purpose of the generator - ease of use resulting code.

Keywords: DTO; DAL; tt; t4; text transformations; C#;
Author: Konstantin Chernyaev
Annotation: The article describes convenient GET-parameters implementation based on code autogeneration. The explained method solves the strong typing problem, the superfluous code problem and makes any change in the parameters model very simple.

Keywords: GET; QueryString; Parameters; tt; t4; text transformations; C#; ASP.NET;
Authors: Alfimov Roman
Berdnikov Mikhail
Annotation: This article describes the author's experience in the development of Rich Internet Applications using Microsoft technologies. The choice of a technology exchange between the layers of the application, the design the user interface, the experience of third-party components in the project - the pros and cons of these aspects of development are analyzed according to projects’ purpose.

Keywords: Silverlight; C#; .Net; RIA services; WCF; LINQ; Entity Framework;
Author: Sergey Teplyakov
Annotation: The article discusses the question of why most programming languages for the .NET platform does not allow declare a default constructor for structures (ie value types).

Keywords: .NET; constructor; value type
Author: Sergey Teplyakov
Annotation: The article deals with various aspects of application design and the impact of these aspects on the correct choice of design options.

Keywords: design; development; application